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Connect your products with a CSV
Connect your products with a CSV

Collect the desired products and their characteristics in a spreadsheet.

Anniek van Vulpen avatar
Written by Anniek van Vulpen
Updated over 4 months ago

Note: Choose CSV as your import type if you are not planning on changing it to a feed URL. You can always switch, but you'll lose the advice logic you created in Matching.

Prepare your CSV file

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​Dog food.csv


1. Your spreadsheet should contain the following columns:

The following fields are displayed to your customer on the advice page. For this reason, they are mandatory.

  • An ID column with unique values, such as an SKU or EAN number. Make sure each product has a unique ID. Multiple products with the same ID will be overwritten. And products without an ID cannot be processed.

  • A column of product names.

  • A column with the product URL for each product (https://...).

  • A column of product images in the format of a url (https://...). The URL belongs to a product image and usually ends in .jp(e)g or .png.

  • A column with the product price. Make sure you use the same price notation for all products.

The above mandatory columns should not contain empty cells. So for each product, information must be available for these columns. And make sure that your file does not contain empty lines.


2. Important: Set product variants

By setting product variants in your catalog, Aiden knows more about your products and how they relate to each other. This makes it possible to show better insights for Impact analytics, for example.

How to set up product variants can be read here.


3. Helpful: Add additional product specifications

For example, the properties on which your filters are based in your webshop. By including these useful product specifications in Aiden, you can easily filter and match your products.


4. Make sure the file is available in CSV format

❗ Note: A column in your CSV that contains both numbers and text or special characters will be interpreted as text.

Would you like to be able to filter your products by a certain range? For example, to match products with a price between €20 and €50? Then make sure the data in your 'price' column is interpreted as numbers.

The easiest way to check whether the columns in the file contain only numbers is to filter or sort them in a Google spreadsheet or Excel file.


5. Upload your CSV file

1. Choose CSV as the import type and select the appropriate file in the pop-up.

2. As soon as you have chosen the file you will see a preview of your data. Does it look good? Click the Next button.

3. In Aiden, the correct columns are automatically chosen for the required fields. Check if this is correct and choose another column if necessary.

4. Do you see green check marks for all columns? Click the Next button. Your data will then be loaded.

5. Do you see a red cross by one of the required fields? If so, check the instructions that are next to it. You may have to choose another column or change something in your CSV and upload the CSV again.

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