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Connect your product feed

And use filters to import only the products you need.

Anniek van Vulpen avatar
Written by Anniek van Vulpen
Updated over 4 months ago

Once your product feed has been prepared, you can choose to import the entire feed or a part of it (e.g. only a certain category) to use as the product catalog for you app.

By including only the products you need for a specific product finder in your catalog, you keep your catalog organized and save yourself time and effort (with matching, for example).

πŸ’‘ Good to know: The feed can be zipped. If you host the feed yourself this can save a lot of data traffic.


How do you make sure you have the right products in your feed?

There are 3 ways to ensure the right products appear in your feed:

1. By creating a specific feed in your feed manager with only the products you want in your product finder. You don't need to edit or filter this feed, but it can load directly.

2. In Aiden using an import filter. Useful if your feed includes other products that don't belong in this particular product finder. The import filter will also apply to products added to your feed at a later time.

3. In Aiden by manually setting products in your catalog to 'inactive'. Useful for when you want to temporarily remove specific products from your product finder, but want to be able to show them again later.


In this guide, we only discuss how to set filter rules. To manually deactivate products from your catalog, read: Deactivate products in your catalog.


1. Connect your product feed

1. Copy the feed URL from your feed manager.

2. In Catalogue, choose Google Shopping feed as the import type.

3. Paste the URL of your feed into the field and click the Import button.

4. Next, you can set your import filters (if needed).


2. Filter the desired products

Does your feed contain exactly the products you need? Then click "Don't setup a filter". Your feed will then be imported fully. You can always set up filter rules later if needed.


1. Choose the attribute from your feed on which you want to filter. For example, "Product_category".

2. Decide whether you want to include products in your catalog or exclude them by using "Is one of" or "Is not one of".

3. Type in the value you want to filter on exactly. In this example, we are filtering on the product category hiking shoes which has the value 'hiking shoes' in the feed. Note: use the exact value from your feed. Only the products that meet this filter will be imported and visible in Aiden.

4. Using 'Preview filter', check which products are imported with the set rules. Happy with it? Then click on Import. Want to include or exclude more products? Change your condition or add another condition.

5. Your product data is now uploaded and processed. You will immediately see the status of your catalog:

6. All done! Your product feed will be updated automatically from now on. The update frequency depends on your license, but is at least once every 24 hours.

7. You can also manually update your product feed to make sure you're working with the most recent data: click the Update button and Aiden will refresh the feed.


3. Do you encounter problems?

Aiden will notify you if we encounter any problems (⚠️) during the retrieval of the product feed. Here's what you can do to resolve them:

1. View notifications. They show which products were not processed or only partially processed and why:

2. Go to your feed manager (data source) and:

  • Change the data in the feed to match the expected format

  • and/or change the data type of your attribute to match the feed

3. Go back to Aiden and click Update to see if the problems have been fixed!

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