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Measure the impact of your product finders

Curious about the effect of your product finder on sales, conversion and more? Be sure to read on!

Anniek van Vulpen avatar
Written by Anniek van Vulpen
Updated over 4 months ago

Curious about the impact of your product finders on e.g. sales and conversion? Then activate your Impact Dashboard in Aiden:

The Impact Dashboard in Aiden

The Impact Dashboard works by forwarding customer purchases to Aiden. To do this, you place the impact script - a small piece of JavaScript - on the order confirmation page.

This is how you activate the Impact Dashboard:

  • Log in to your Aiden account

  • Go to one of your apps

  • Go to Analytics

  • On the Impact tab, click Set up and follow the steps!

Unless you are technically proficient yourself you will probably need a developer to do this. All instructions can be found below. Make sure they follow all the steps and use the checklist to ensure your Impact Dashboard will be up and running correctly!

💡Good to know: The Impact Script forwards all orders from the website, which Aiden then checks whether the order can be linked to a guided selling user. This is because in the Aiden backend we can see if a product was recommended in a particular session.

Just to be sure, check if you are allowed to share this order data according to your terms and conditions.

💡Product Variants: By setting product variants in your catalog, Aiden can show better insights in the Impact Dashboard. Learn how to set up product variants in this tutorial.

‍1. Insert the Aiden base script

Most likely this script is already in your store (otherwise your product finders would not work properly), but just to be sure: follow step 1 here and specifically check if the Aiden script is present on your order confirmation page.

2. Integrate with the Impact script

First choose how you want to integrate the Impact script. You can either install it directly on you website, or integrate it through Google Tag Manager (GTM).

❗️Note: Preferably do not place the scripts via Google Tag Manager! Sending the purchase information is then blocked by adblockers. This results in significant under-reporting of metrics in Aiden.

That said, we know that integration via GTM is often the fastest option, so you'll find that explanation later in this tutorial as well.

2.1. Direct integration

To forward the purchase information, you can use this example script as a starting point and place it on the order confirmation page. Make sure that the values in orderId, currency, and products are dynamically populated per order with the requested purchase information.

After placing the script go to step 3.

View example script

<script type="text/javascript"> 
window._aiden = window._aiden || []

event: "Purchase",

// debug: optional.
// Can be used to see if the request is send.
// Remove before use on production!
debug: false,

// apiKey: starts with 'AID-' and you can find it in Aiden under "Analyze".
apiKey: "YOUR API KEY",

// orderID: the unique order id
orderId: "Order Identifier",

// currency:
// ISO-4217 the currency code.
currency: "EUR",

// The contents of the order
products: [
// Important:
// 1. make sure the product ID in aidenProductId matches the product ID's in the Aiden catalogue / XML-feed
// 2. make sure the price field in the products variable contains the price per item, not the price * quantity
aidenProductId: "12345678",
quantity: 4,
price: 99.99, // price per item

❗️Note: The IDs Aiden receives via a CSV or Google Shopping Feed are used to recognize purchased products and link them to product finder sessions. So make sure the correct IDs are sent along. Should a developer do this for you, tell them what type of ID to send along.

2.1. Integrate with Google Tag Manager

Integrating with Google Tag Manager is possible, however, it does increase the chances of under-reporting by adblockers. It also adds additional complexity to the integration. The steps below outline what you need to do to set up Impact analytics with Google Tag Manager. The exact steps depend on how Google Tag Manager is set up on your webshop and which other Triggers or Variables are already set up.

2.1.1. Create a Tag

Create a Tag of type Custom HTML. Paste the example-script below into it. As a Trigger, you can select a "Page View" that triggers only on the order confirmation page.

View example script

<script type="text/javascript"> 
window._aiden = window._aiden || []

event: "Purchase",
// apiKey: starts with 'AID-', you can find this at the "Analyze" section in Aiden.
apiKey: "YOUR API KEY", // Replace with your API-key
orderId: "{{Purchase - order ID}}", // Replace with GTM-variable containing the transaction/order ID.

// currency:
// ISO-4217 currency code
currency: "EUR",

// Content of the order
// Important:
// 1. make sure the product ID in aidenProductId matches the product ID's in the Aiden catalogue / XML-feed
// 2. make sure the price field in the products variable contains the price per item, not the price * quantity
// This script fills the aidenProductId parameter with id or item_id value
products: ({{Purchase - order products}} || []).map(function (e) {
if(!e.hasOwnProperty('aidenProductId')) {
e['aidenProductId'] = e["id"] || e["item_id"];
return e;

2.1.2. Replace the default values

There are a number of example values in the script that need to be replaced.

❗️Note: The value of aidenProductId should match the product ID's in the catalogue in Aiden. Check which product ID is used in the Aiden catalogue before you implement this script.

💡 GTM Triggers and variables: There are probably already some purchase tags in your GTM container. These send purchase information to for example your CRM or an ad or analytics platform. You can use these tags to see which variables and triggers are used.


First you need to fill in the API-key where it says "YOUR API KEY". You can find the API-key in Aiden by clicking on your name > settings > API keys. Make sure the API key is between quotation marks, just like "YOUR API KEY" is.

{{Purchase - order ID}}

Replace this variable with the variable that contains the order/transaction ID. You can find the right variable by searching the variables list for "order id", "orderid", "transactionid" or "transaction id". Or by looking at other purchase-tags.

{{Purchase - order products}}

Replace this variable by the variable that contains the purchased products. Every product should contain at least an id or item_id, the quantity and price (per item).

The product-ID needs to be the same as the product-ID in the catalogue in Aiden. This is important because otherwise we cannot match the ordered product to the advised products. Searching the list of variables for the terms purchase and products can help you find the right variable. You can also look at other purchase-tags for help.

❗️Note: Please make sure the price of every product is the price per product and not the price per product times the quantity. Settings this up the wrong way will result in bad data.

Didn't find the right variable?

If the variables do not exist, they need to be created. You can read how this is done here.

3. Checklist

Check the following questions, and make sure you can answer all of them with a definite "YES".

  1. Do the id's in the aidenProductId-field match the ones in the Aiden catalogue?

  2. Does the price-field contain the price per item? In Aiden the amount will be multiplied by the quantity; if price is not the price per item the impact data will not be correct.

  3. Does the orderId-field contain a unique value for each order?

  4. Is the embed-script loaded on the page from where the event is send?

  5. Is the event sent from the same domain where the app is embedded? So not on a subdomain.

  6. Did you remove the impact script from the test or staging environment?

4. Wait for the first purchase data

When a user makes a purchase, data will be sent to Aiden. Then under "Analytics" in Aiden you can verify the integration. If everything comes in correctly, the integration is successful and the Impact Dashboard is now available for all product finders!

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