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Test & Tweak your advice

We recommend thoroughly testing your product finder before publishing it. Read how to do that and what to look out for here.

Anniek van Vulpen avatar
Written by Anniek van Vulpen
Updated over 4 months ago

Have you matched all your answers? In the Overview tab in Matching, you can see (on the left side) if there are any products that do not have matching for certain answers.

❗️Note: only fully matched products are shown in the published product finder.

All done? Then it's time to see which combination of answers leads to which recommended products. Instead of clicking through your Preview multiple times, we've made it easy to test your advice in one place:

1. In Matching, go to the Test & Tweak tab.

2. On the left side, select a combination of answers. Use this as a customer would use your product finder!

3. The recommended products are displayed in the order according to your matching, but also according to the adjustments in Advice settings.

Test & Tweak with this checklist

It's very important to thoroughly test your product finder, do not underestimate this. Chances are you'll find mistakes in your matching, or empty advices will pop up. Make as many combinations as possible in Test & Tweak, and with each combination, ask yourself the following:

1. Is the matching set up correctly?

In Test & Tweak, you double-check whether the matching is set up correctly. When selecting different answer combinations, verify whether the correct products appear and whether the product order changes when you select a different answer for the same question, as shown in the example below.

Is that not the case? Then something probably hasn't been set up correctly in your matching. You can adjust the matching in different ways, depending on how you set it.

When using matching rules:
You can adjust your rule from Test & Tweak by hovering over the matching icons with your cursor. Next, click the Edit rule button to go directly to the specific rule. You can also find the rule yourself via the Bulk match tab.

When matching manually:
You can easily adjust the matching of a product to an answer by moving your cursor over the matching icons. A pop-up will appear where you can choose the desired matching. If you give the product a bad match it will move to the 'bottom' of the results.

2. Is there enough variation in the advice?

A good advice has a clear winner as the best match. The number 1 product has as many double checkmarks as possible, indicating a perfect match. However, it’s possible for multiple products in the advice to score equally well, as shown in the example below:

The result is that the customer still doesn’t know which product to choose. Solve this by:

  • Adding more questions to dive deeper into the customer's needs.

  • Adding more information about the product by using additional fields. You can display extra information by loading one or more product attributes, allowing the customer to better understand the differences between the various products. Consider attributes like review scores, delivery times, or color, as shown in the example below.

    Add additional fields by clicking Advice in Conversation. After that, go to Product Content.

  • Bringing nuance to your matching by adding ‘good’ matches in addition to just perfect and poor matches. These contribute to the advice, but not as strongly as perfect matches. This helps to add variety to your advice.

    A few crosses in your advice are okay, but if there are too many or if multiple crosses appear even on the best match, it’s necessary to review critically. Some product attributes simply can’t be combined: for instance, the customer may have selected an automatic robot vacuum in a product finder for vacuum cleaners, but indicated a budget of no more than 50 euros. In such cases, creating a split in your conversation is the solution. Add an extra budget question with a higher starting amount, depending on which products are available. This ensures that a suitable product always appears as the best match in the advice, regardless of the combination the customer chooses.

3. Are there no empty advices?

Is there not a single suitable product for a particular combination of answers? This notification lets you know that you’re dealing with an empty advice:

Read what you can do when you get empty advices here.

💡Good to know: after going live, you can see which combinations of answers may have resulted in an empty advice. In your product finder, click on Analytics, then on Usage. You can download and view the empty advices directly.

Does the advice meet the 3 points above across various combinations? Great! You’ve tackled the most important aspects. Also read: 10 tips for good advice. After this, you're ready to launch your product finder! 🚀

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