Test & Tweak your advice

We recommend thoroughly testing your product finder before publishing it. Read how to do that and what to look out for here.

Anniek Veltman avatar
Written by Anniek Veltman
Updated over a week ago

1. Test your advice

Have you matched all your answers? In the Overview tab in Matching, you can see (on the left side) if there are any products that do not have matching for certain answers.

⚠️ Note: only fully matched products are shown in the published product finder

All done? Then it's time to see which combination of answers leads to which recommended products. Instead of clicking through your Preview multiple times, we've made it easy to test your advice in one place:

1. In Matching, go to the Test & Tweak tab.

2. On the left side, select a combination of answers. Use this as a customer would use your product finder!

3. The recommended products are displayed in the order you put them through your matching. But also through adjustments in Advice settings.

Still not satisfied with the recommended products? Read on to learn how to adjust your matching.


2. Adjust your matching where necessary

Want to adjust the score for a particular product/answer combination? You can do that in several ways.

1. In Test & tweak , you can easily adjust the matching of a product to an answer by moving your mouse over the matching icons. A pop-up will appear where you can choose the desired matching. If you give the product a bad match it will move to the 'bottom' of the results. In the example below we adjust the matching for the Salomon Outpulse shoe from good to bad for the answer 'Mountain hike'.

Have you set up a rule? Then you can edit your rule from Test & Tweak if necessary. By clicking on the matching icon, the Edit rule button appears. Use this button to edit your rule.

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