Adjust your Result settings

Here you can read which settings you can use to optimize your advice.

Anniek Veltman avatar
Written by Anniek Veltman
Updated over a week ago

At Matching > Settings > Result settings you can adjust several general advice settings. If you do not adjust anything then we will use the default settings.


1. Number of products advised

In Settings, go to Result settings and click on the dropdown under Number of advised products. In the dropdown you can choose how many products you want to show your customers on the advice page. These are ordered by suitability to a customer's answers.

By default, the number of products in the advisory is set to 3:


2. Secondary sorting

The products in the advice are ranked by suitability with a client's answers. Matching scores for two or more products in the advice may be the same.

If you notice that this is the case (for example during testing in Test & Tweak) you can determine in Settings in what order these products should be shown. By default we show the products in a random order, but you can for example also sort them based on their price. You can use any product attribute with numeric values from your catalog besides price. Think of the margin or review score of the products. So you must first add this information as a numeric value to your product feed. Read also: Sort equal-scoring advice based on margin.

In Settings go to Result settings where in the dropdown under When products have the same score, sort them by... choose the desired product attribute from your catalog. Then set the sorting order for the chosen product attribute: from Lowest to highest or Highest to lowest.

πŸ’‘ Good to know: Don't see the desired product attribute from your catalog in the dropdown? Then check that each product has a numeric value (and not text) and adjust it in your feed.

πŸ’‘ Good to know: Do you use a numeric question in your product finder and have you turned on a filter for this question? In case of equal matching scores we will first show the products closest to your customer's entered numerical value. And within that we use the secondary sorting you set up.


3. Group variants of products and show coloroptions

By switching on the toggle for Group variants of product under Result settings, you ensure that a product with multiple variants only appears once in the advice.

Variants of products are the same product only in for example a different color or size. Here you can read more about product variants and how to set them up in Aiden. Multiple variants of the same product may appear in the product finder advice. If this is not desirable or to give the customer more choice, you can use the Group variants of product setting to ensure that only the most suitable variant is shown.

4. Show color variants in advice

If your products have different color variants, you can show the color variants in the advice. Do this by switching on the toggle Show available variants on advised products and then select the catalogue field which contains the color value in Select the variant property you want to use.

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